Fully Anechoic Room Reference Site Method (FAR RSM)
The FAR RSM test is a means of determining the suitability of a fully anechoic chamber for use as a free space environment for radiated emission measurements.
Our FAR RSM measurements are taken in accordance with the methods described in CISPR 16-1-4.
SIS conducts FAR RSM tests to validate the performance of newly installed chambers, pre-existing chambers and modified, upgraded or relocated chambers anywhere in the world. We have the capability to test chambers at a 3-meter test distance.
Fully anechoic chambers and open area test sites are validated in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1 GHz with broadband antennas in horizontal and vertical polarization. Five positions (Center, Front, Rear, Left, and Right) at three elevations are tested. Get a quote for a FAR RSM today!